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Solar Power  |  Electric Vehicle Charging  |  LED Lighting  |  Reflective Roofing

Solar Power

PS1 [Parking Structure 1] Photovoltaic Panels

Parking Structure 1

Parking Structure 1’s four rows of solar panels are designed to produce 227 kW [kilowatts] , enough to supply the energy needs for the entire structure, making it a net-zero energy building.

Solar Golf Cart Charging

Solar Golf Cart Charging

Solar panels at the UT Dallas Research and Operations Center (ROC) provide charging for faculty golf carts, allowing them to drive to the main campus without emissions. Installed in 2012, these 4-kilowatt panels are connected to batteries that are capable of storing 15 kilowatts, which provides for nighttime charging.

ECSN [Engineering & Computer Science North]

Solar panels on the roof of the Engineering & Computer Science North (ECSN) Building provide 1.2 kilowatts of energy to be used in the Renewable Energy and Vehicular Technology Lab.

Solar Thermal

Solar thermal panels on the roof of the Student Services Building (SSB) heat the building’s water, decreasing the amount of electricity needed for the building’s operations.

Electric Vehicle Charging

UT Dallas EV Charging Station

A dual-port Level 2 smart electric vehicle charger
attached to two different cars.

The UTD Parking page provides information on the parking locations that offer electric vehicle charging, including the different types of chargers available at UT Dallas and how to use them.

Find vehicle chargers using our Sustainability Map (PDF [Portable Document Format File] ).

LED Lighting

Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs [Light Emitting Diodes] ) use less energy than traditional light bulbs and produce a light that is both brighter and more energy efficient. LEDs last longer and are more durable than traditional bulbs, requiring less frequent replacement. They also contain zero harmful chemicals and do not emit UV [Ultraviolet]  rays.

Currently, UT Dallas has installed LED [Light Emitting Diode] lighting in all locations which remain continuously lit, such as parking structures and stairwells. As other light fixtures need replacing, LEDs are installed in their places.

Reflective Roofing

Reflective Roofing

Dark colored roofs absorb the sun’s rays and heat the building from the top down. It also creates a “heat island effect”, the result of buildings raising the local temperature by several degrees. During the summer, this difference can reduce total energy use by up to 40%. UT Dallas has made an effort to use light-colored roofs when reroofing is done. This lowers the heat island effect on campus and lowers the amount of energy needed to cool these buildings.