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Sustainability Honors Graduates



Meghana Bommareddy

Meghana Bommareddy

My favorite part about my undergraduate experience was finding a community of people who are similarly committed to making this world a better place. On campus, I’ve worked on an array of initiatives related to women’s rights, voter education, and public health research. Off-campus, I’ve volunteered with a local climate advocacy organization and worked at a science museum. Again, these experiences have made my time at UTD so special, and I hope to continue advocating for positive change in the future.

Caroline Crocker

Caroline Crocker

I first got involved in social activism in my first year of college after seeing a protest for women’s rights organized by Deeds Not Words. Deeds is an organization determined to gain equity for women and members of the LGBTQ+ community and has committees for racial justice, repro rights, menstrual equity, LGBTQ+ rights, mental health, sexual assault prevention and consent education, and voter education. After joining Deeds I had the amazing opportunity of learning about all of these issues and the intersections of them, which led to my interest in volunteering with organizations like the Comet Cupboard. I also have had the amazing opportunity to testify in the TX Lege on many bills with Deeds, and to serve on the menstrual equity university working group which is installing dispensers in bathrooms across campus that will be continually stocked with free menstrual products, as well as filling baskets around campus for the past 3 years with free menstrual products.

Jaida Holley

Jaida Holley

Jaida is graduating with a Bachelors in Visual/Performing Arts, with an interdisciplinary concentration in both Visual Art and Communication. She worked as a student leader at the Office of Student Volunteerism, working in the community garden for two years. She also got the chance to lead an alternative spring break trip for environmental conservation with the Galveston Bay Foundation. She values wealth of knowledge she’s been able to gain about the environment and sustainability through volunteerism during her time at UTD.

Paulina Hruskoci

Paulina Hruskoci

Paulina Hruskoci is graduating Summa Cum Laude with a B.S. in Geospatial Information Sciences and a minor in Political Science. As an undergrad, Paulina was an Archer Fellow at the Brookings Institution, conducted research in Guyana with Dr. Anthony Cummings, and led a single-use plastics advocacy campaign. She was recognized as a 2022 Udall Scholar for her environmental protection. Following graduation, she will work for local government in Massachusetts before departing for international travel.

Ian Seamans

Ian Seamans

While at UTD, I volunteered across an eclectic mix of topics. On campus, I became an Eco Rep working on sustainable transportation and habitat restoration. I also volunteered at the on-campus COVID-19 vaccine clinics, the community garden, and the Eco Hub. In my last semester, I founded the Society for Ecological Restoration at UT Dallas, which is a student club working to restore native habitat and educate students about nature. Off campus, I volunteered at Blackland Prairie restoration projects as a Texas Master Naturalist, I became a director of the League of Women Voters of Collin County, and I interned with the North Texas Food Bank and Refugee Services of Texas. One of the primary reasons why I volunteer is that volunteering with others brings me hope. I like how Mr. Rogers put it, “Because whenever people come together to help either another person or another creature, something has happened, and everyone wants to know about it – because we all long to know that there’s a graciousness at the heart of creation.”

Eric Hsu

Eric Hsu

Eric (front) was an Office of Student Volunteerism student employee.

Han Lai

Han Lai

While I’ve always had an interest in sustainable lifestyles, my past two years at the Office of Student Volunteerism (OSV) has taught me a lot about how I can promote sustainability on a personal and community level. Some of my favorite memories were volunteering at Moran State Park as part of OSV’s Alternative Spring Break program and learning about organic gardening at our Community Garden. Going forward I hope to apply this knowledge to my daily life and continue to engage in service with sustainability in mind.

Jose Marquez

Jose Marquez

Jose (foreground, left) working at the Eco Hub.

I have always been a fan of the environment, but it wasn’t until I came to UTD that I began to truly understand what sustainability meant. I joined ECO my freshman year and became the media head. In addition to volunteering at the community garden and the Eco Hub, I was absolutely loving help spread the news about sustainability. My favorite service project was taking the Intersectional Environmentalism class over at the Trinity River Audubon Center. It was a pleasure restoring the native prairie and learning about the UN SDGs. This year, I started the Wind Energy Club (a.k.a. Comet Wind) and have been getting both students and the community informed and excited about wind energy. Now, I’ll be pursuing a career in wind energy to help bring down greenhouse gas emissions and to save our planet!

Kasey Nguyen

Kasey Nguyen

“Hey there! As a graduating biology major, I am excited about my plans to pursue an MD/MPH degree and putting my passion for service to work in a meaningful way. Throughout my time at UTD, I have had the privilege of volunteering in various roles that have taught me invaluable lessons about leadership, communication, and empathy. For example, my work at Three Oaks Hospice taught me the importance of providing personalized care to patients and their families, while my time volunteering at the Richardson Animal Shelter showed me the importance of compassion to all forms of life — no matter how big or small. As a Crisis Text Line volunteer, I learned the power of active listening and providing non-judgmental support to people in need. I am grateful to carry these lessons forward as I pursue a career in healthcare and hope to continue to make a positive difference in the lives of others.”

Victoria Nguyen

Victoria Nguyen

Biology major with interest in environmental science. Wants to work in environmental sustainability and conservation. Is pursuing GIS and Peacecorps.

Kevin Patterson

Kevin Patterson

Kevin (left) volunteered with the Oak Cliff Veggie Project to help continue providing fresh produce and food in parts of South Dallas facing food deserts. In addition, as a co-founder of the Sunrise Movement Dallas chapter, he has done lots of political organizing across the city of Dallas and North Texas to move climate-friendly candidates and advance the issue of tackling climate change.

Nevedita Ramachandran

Nevedita Ramachandran

I have been actively volunteering since middle school, participating in various events through several organizations. My involvement in recycling and cleaning city parks has made me realize the importance of sustainability and protecting the environment. As a result, I have made small changes in my personal lifestyle, such as replacing disposable items with reusable ones, to reduce plastic and paper waste. I have also inspired others around me to take similar actions towards a more sustainable future. Through my involvement with UTD Sustainability, I have been able to make sustainability an institutional practice on campus. I hope to continue to inspire those around me to make small changes wherever possible to support sustainability efforts on a larger scale. By working together and taking individual responsibility, we can make a positive impact on the environment and create a lasting change for future generations. In my future endeavors, I aim to work with similarly driven individuals who are passionate about spreading awareness and implementing sustainable practices. I believe that protecting the environment and preserving it for future generations is essential, and I am committed to making a difference wherever I can.

Gwen Schaulis

Gwen Schaulis

Gwen Schaulis is a purpose-driven change agent who led environmental justice initiatives as an Eco Rep in the Office of Sustainability during her senior year. She is graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies where she studied Management and Policy with a concentration in Environmental Studies. Gwen uses her strengths to manifest the change she wishes to see in the world— a home where everyone —regardless of their identity— can thrive in harmony with the environment. She is seeking a job in municipal government or environmental consulting and attributes her professional development to the Eco Rep program.

Jaime Valdez

Jaime Valdez

Jaime Valdez has been part of the Office of Sustainability as an intern and Eco Rep from Summer 2022 until his graduation in Spring of 2022. He has worked on the STARS report which gives UTD national recognition for its efforts in sustainability. He also served as a knowledgeable sustainability resource for the student body

Anastasia Whittemore

Anastasia Whittemore

My involvement with Roosevelt at UTD, a local think tank that advocates for change in the larger Dallas and Texas region, and Student Government’s Sustainability Committee sparked my interest in the environmental policy issue area and sustainability on campus. As an Eco Rep, I led Campus Race to Zero Waste, Campus Sustainability Month, and waste date entry. I am attending law school in the fall!


Whitney Boyer

Whitney Boyer

My name is Whitney Boyer, and I am a Interdisciplinary studies major. I started volunteering at the Perot museum in 2018 for a class and never stopped. I am now up to 850 hours at the museum. It’s a great place to learn about science and history.

Jasmine Dushime

Jasmine Dushime

I have had the opportunity to get involved on campus in a variety of ways during my time at UTD. Doing so has helped me see the importance of my actions and realize that what I do today can help bring changes that lead to a better tomorrow for everyone. I am very passionate about nutrition and disease prevention. After my gap year, I plan to pursue a medical degree with the hope of becoming a physician in preventive medicine. I plan to use my interests to share information and resources with individuals to aid them as they make informed decisions that improve their overall health and well-being.

Jessica Loucks

Jessica Loucks

For the past eight years or so I have become increasingly involved in service activities, one of the most involved being puppy raising for Guide Dogs for the Blind. It has been a wonderful experience to be able to take a little puppy and through much love and patience, support their development into a service dog that can help someone gain independence. After graduation, I am attending medical school at Texas College of Medicine in Fort Worth.

Daemion Mckellar

Daemion Mckellar

Daemion (center) has been doing volunteer events since his freshman year in 2019 with the Terry Foundation. His volunteering events included giving out food at the human coalition of Dallas, helping kids at Heart House, Campus clean-ups, and fundraising for the Human Rights Initiative among other events. He’s served as a service event coordinator where he got the choose and plan the volunteer events. He hopes to find a way to continue giving back to whatever community he’s a part of when he graduates.

McKenna Potter

McKenna Potter

McKenna Potter served in the development of sustainability and business sustainability through her internship as an Archer Fellow at the Wilson Center’s China Environment Forum and her work on campus research and leadership. She led the 4th place team at the inaugural Ann and Jack Graves Sustainability Conference and Competition creating a mobile market grocery company for food deserts. She served as the events coordinator for the Society of Sustainable Business to engage the UT Dallas community with sustainable business actions and innovations.

Kyndle Westrope

Kyndle Westrope

Serving communities has always been a priority for me. Although I’m very excited to do so in my career as a physician assistant, I’m especially proud to say I was able to do so during my time at UTD through the Office of Sustainability! As a sophomore, I was lucky enough to be involved at the UTD Community Garden, where I learned a great deal and found a safe place for me during the pandemic. When the OSS started up the Eco Hub, I was thrilled to get involved with that, too. This year, I’ve been a committee member for the Eco Hub, an opportunity I’ve been immensely grateful for. I also participated in some volunteering with the Texas Stream Team.