WEBVTT 00:00:00.040 --> 00:00:03.595 [Speaker One] Hey everybody. Here at Audubon we believe that where birds thrive, 00:00:03.595 --> 00:00:06.773 people prosper. [Speaker Two] 2/3rds of North American birds are at risk of 00:00:06.773 --> 00:00:09.844 extinction due to global temperature rise. [Speaker Three] If we act now 00:00:09.844 --> 00:00:13.022 we can improve the chances of hundreds of birds species [Speaker Four] as 00:00:13.022 --> 00:00:16.362 well as improve our livelihood for future generations. [Speaker Two] So why 00:00:16.362 --> 00:00:19.271 does it matter that we're standing in the middle of a 00:00:19.271 --> 00:00:22.395 Prairie? [Speaker Four] Historically, Texas is what you would consider a 00:00:22.395 --> 00:00:25.789 grassland state because 3/4ths of our native landscape used to be 00:00:25.789 --> 00:00:29.075 some type of grassland that includes savannahs, short grass, 00:00:29.075 --> 00:00:29.560 prairies. 00:00:29.910 --> 00:00:33.423 And tall grass prairies, a type of tall grass prairie plant 00:00:33.423 --> 00:00:36.995 community that we all know and love, is called the Blackland 00:00:36.995 --> 00:00:40.333 Prairie. It used to be from North Texas all the way down 00:00:40.333 --> 00:00:43.788 towards San Antonio, but today less than 1% of that native 00:00:43.788 --> 00:00:47.652 native ecosystem remains intact. Obviously, that's detrimental to 00:00:47.652 --> 00:00:51.107 the wildlife, specifically the birds that depend on such a 00:00:51.107 --> 00:00:54.269 specific habitat, birds that are granivorous species. 00:00:54.610 --> 00:00:58.115 That eats specifically seeds and grains, are losing food, shelter 00:00:58.115 --> 00:01:01.566 and space. And also now that we live here, it's really important 00:01:01.566 --> 00:01:04.487 to understand the functions of this type of ecosystem, 00:01:04.487 --> 00:01:07.567 specifically the Blackland Prairie ... so when it rains, 00:01:07.567 --> 00:01:11.019 the prairie ecosystem acts like a sponge, soaks up the rainwater 00:01:11.019 --> 00:01:14.365 and helps recharge or refill the groundwater underneath of us. 00:01:14.365 --> 00:01:17.711 ...and also with this time with our changing climate, the prairie 00:01:17.711 --> 00:01:21.003 biomass that's underneath the soil has a really important job 00:01:21.003 --> 00:01:22.649 to play with carbon sequestering. 00:01:23.220 --> 00:01:26.924 So it helps store the carbon, and during times of wildfires or 00:01:26.924 --> 00:01:30.335 prescribed burns, it does not release carbon as much as a 00:01:30.335 --> 00:01:34.216 forest would. [Speaker One] So how can you help birds thrive and people prosper? 00:01:34.216 --> 00:01:37.745 [Speaker Four] Volunteer to help with habitat restoration or environmental 00:01:37.745 --> 00:01:41.391 education at your local Audubon. [Speaker Three] Limit your use of single use 00:01:41.391 --> 00:01:45.213 products: plastic bags, plastic water bottles, plastic utensils. 00:01:45.213 --> 00:01:48.860 You don't need them. You can bring your own reusable options. 00:01:49.150 --> 00:01:51.634 [Speaker Two] Join us this summer for the Sustainable Living Fair at 00:01:51.634 --> 00:01:54.571 Trinity River Audubon Center to learn more about what you can do 00:01:54.571 --> 00:01:56.830 to help the environment and all that lives in it.